Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obamacare: More than Just Covering Half of Uninsured

Let's suppose that after college, your child decides to work in the private sector, not the government secotr. Upon graduation, your child (or you) will begin working hard to re-pay student loan debt. At the same time, your taxes will be paying for the student debt acccumulated by individuals who chose to work in the government sector, the same people whose salaries and livelihoods your tax dollars already wholely support.

This is because, moving forward, the now government-run student loan industry (passed as part of Obamacare) forces you the taxpayer to pay for half of the student loan debt owed by individuals who choose to work for the government. So undoubtedly, the government is choose who gets your tax dollars and who does not. It is choosing winners and losers. This does not happen in a true free market economy.

Does this make good sense to you? Do you agree with the principle of the matter?

I thought some people would believe this made sense because either government employees aren't paid well or because student will save money on their loans. But I found that niether one of these things are true. The average income for a federal government employee is over $75,000 and the average student will pay $1700 more for their loans.

So does it make better sense for each individual to take responsibility for the debt they themselves incurred, regardless of which sector, government or private, they work for? Do you care that the government has taken over the student loan industry and consequently made you pay for half of their workers student loans?

What if your child finished college in the normal 4 years and others who decide to work for the government accumulate significantly more debt? This is likely as Obamacare mandates businesses to cover their insureds' children until they are 26 years old; but only if they are full-time students. This means that some students will take their sweet time getting as many degrees as they want, and you can pick up half the tab for their education.

This unexpected, unexplained mandate begs the question, what mandates might the government choose to make in the future regarding students?

This bill is at odds with both our country's free market and our culture of personal responsibility, 2 things that have made America the freest country on earth, and this blog just barely touches the problems in its 2,000+ pages.

It further isolates those of us who believe Thomas Jefferson when he said, "The course of history shows us that as government grows, liberty decreases." The more decisions government makes for you, the less control you have over your own life.

Do you agree with Obamacare's takeover of the student loan industry and mandates? If not,m please support the effort to repeal and replace Obamacare; replace to help the uninsured. But not at the expense of our freedom and our great American culture.

1- 162-5007862-503983.htm

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